Managing User Details

Advanced Security - PHP Register/Login System Advanced Security - PHP Register/Login System / How-to Last updated on Updated  Jan 16, 2019

Get Info

You can get the basic user info (data from as_users db table) like following:

$info = app('user')->getInfo($userId);

$info will be an array containing following information:

$user_id            = $info['user_id'];
$email              = $info['email'];
$username           = $info['username'];
$password           = $info['password']
$confirmation_key   = $info['confirmation_key'];
$confirmed          = $info['confirmed'];
$password_reset_key = $info['password_reset_key'];
$register_date      = $info['register_date'];
$user_role          = $info['user_role'];
$last_login         = $info['last_login'];

Note app('user') will just resolve the instance of ASUser class for you (check container section for details). If you want to get the user's info from some other class that already have instance of ASUser class injected through the constructor (like ASComment class for example), you can use it like usual: $this->users->getInfo($userId).

Update Info

You can update every user's information by passing it as an array item to updateInfo method.

So, if you want to update user's email, you will do this:

app('user')->updateInfo($userId, array(
    "email" => $newEmail

And if you want to update last_login, username and confirmation_key, you will just put it inside an array, and pass it to updateInfo function, like this

$user->updateInfo($userId, array(
    "last_login" => $newLastLoginValue,
    "username" => $newUsername,
    "confirmation_key" => $newConfirmationKey

Note Don't forget that you can get the id for currently authenticated user from the container.

Get Details

You can get user details (data from as_user_details db table) like following:

$details = app('user')->getDetails($userId);

$details will be an array with following fields:

$first_name = $details['first_name'];
$last_name  = $details['last_name'];
$address = $details['address'];
$phone = $details['phone'];

Update Details

Updating user details works the same as updating user info.

So, if you want to update address and phone, you can do it like following:

app('user')->updateDetails($userId, array(
     "address" => $newAddress,
     "phone" => $newPhone