php artisan app:name

Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management June 17, 2018
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Milos Stojanovic Support Agent
6 years ago

Hey Marvin,

I'm glad you like it! :)

Thanks for mentioning the app:name thing. I'll see what I can do to make it work automatically. :)


Marvin Mallari
6 years ago

Hey, great code, love the template

just wanted to mention this as it may happen to other users, but runnign php artisan app:name 'SomeName' doesn't rename all the places where 'Vanguard' in the namespace is being used. Mainly in the blade templates. Most of what I had to change was located at the bottom of the blade templates where JsValidator is used.

I'm not sure how php artisan app:name works exactly but would be nice if that command changed the blade templates too if the App name is changed