Customizing the Activity Log Layout

Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management June 30, 2020
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Milos Stojanovic Support Agent
4 years ago


The activity log is a separate, open-source, Vanguard plugin available on GitHub:

Vanguard plugins are just simple Laravel packages and, in case you want to customize the layout files, you can create a "user-activity" folder in "/resources/views/vendor" folder and add your custom layout files there. Those files should have the same name as the original blade files. This is the official Laravel way to override the package view files in Laravel applications, and you can learn more about it here:


Patrick Franke
4 years ago

Hi Milos,

where can I find the activity log layout... it isn't under resources/views

Kind regards, Patrick