public function edit($id)
$edit= true;
$brs = BadRunSheet::find($id);
$employees = Employee::select('last_name', 'first_name', 'user_id')->orderBy('last_name')->get();
app(\Vanguard\Services\Logging\UserActivity\Logger::class)->log('Bad run sheet ');
return view('badrunsheets.edit', compact('brs', 'employees', 'edit'));
on on a controller with the activity log how would I go about adding A variable to be logged. For example if I hit edit on line x the system would log (user) has opened edit on incident (number from row).
Decided to post this here since it took me a bit to figure this out for the laravel 10 version. For future references:
The logging message seems to have changed to:
app(\Vanguard\UserActivity\Logger::class)->log("Company Created: " . $companyname);