Public Tickets

Joshua Blevins Primary Color Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Updated 5 years ago 1 kevin blakely Help Needed Advanced Security - PHP Register/Login System Advanced Security - PHP Register/Login System Updated 5 years ago 7 Vsevolod Ukrainsky All POST requests lead to die("Invalid CSRF token") message. Advanced Security - PHP Register/Login System Advanced Security - PHP Register/Login System Updated 5 years ago 2 bart jetter Sidebar Menu in Edge Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Updated 5 years ago 1 Godfried van Loo adding new permission and added in the view as well as new controller i.e limit.manage Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Updated 5 years ago 6 Kumar S Direct login from confirmation email Advanced Security - PHP Register/Login System Advanced Security - PHP Register/Login System Updated 5 years ago 2 Damir G. Installation issue Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Updated 5 years ago 4 Bernhard Lukas always redirected to index.php - no matter which link I click O Other (Pre-Sale Questions, etc.) Updated 5 years ago 1 Maxim Levtov Normal form submission (without AJAX) Advanced Security - PHP Register/Login System Advanced Security - PHP Register/Login System Updated 5 years ago 4 Billy Ireland I broke my login page... Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Updated 5 years ago 3 Matthew Payne Font Awesome Version Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Updated 5 years ago 3 Billy Ireland I am attempting to create a submit form in the framework but I am hitting a roadblock... Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Updated 5 years ago 8 SNAC.IO Wrong social auth token! Advanced Security - PHP Register/Login System Advanced Security - PHP Register/Login System Updated 5 years ago 6 Billy Ireland Mail Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Updated 6 years ago 1 Allan Lund Sørensen Install script not working Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Updated 6 years ago 2 Shurik Kravchenko Creating a New Page NOT WORKING Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Updated 6 years ago 12 Billy Ireland How can I change the login page 'Vanguard' to my sites name? Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Updated 6 years ago 1 Frederick Stoll Sidebar in MS Edge Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Updated 6 years ago 5 Gábor Jénei Connection failed Advanced Security - PHP Register/Login System Advanced Security - PHP Register/Login System Updated 6 years ago 8 Joshua Blevins best tutorial for newbies Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Vanguard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management Updated 6 years ago 2